- Open Government Partnership - http://www.opengov.gr/ogp -

Commitment 2: Public participation in decision making

In October 2009, the www.opengov.gr system started operating, offering the citizen functionality for e-consultation and electronic comment submission, on each draft legislation (in a separate room created for each Ministry under www.opengov.gr), before the legislation is submitted to the parliament.
Both individuals and organization submit comments, suggestions and views, in an article-by-article format, in order for all this input to be collected and evaluated by the body suggesting the draft legislation. This effort has not been complete, since:
• The consultation period is very short (on average),
• Participants are not informed whether their comments have been taken into account (or not),
• The system has not been developed into place for effective consultation and participation.

Commitment Description
Enhancement of the consultation process in all levels (institutional/legal, operational, technical). More specifically the following areas will be improved:
• Institutional: Strengthening of current institutional/legal framework.
• Technical: The electronic system www.opengov.gr will be the focal point of information provision and consultation conduction throughout the public sector. Also the functionality offered for consultation of running consultations will be enhanced.
• Operational:
o Introduction of a unique methodology for deliberation conduction, which will apply to all public administration bodies.
o Adoption of a minimum consultation period.
o Highlight of best practices. Study of consultations with increased participation.
o Identification of consultations and submitted draft legislation. Existence of link between the consultation and final draft. Adoption of same enumeration in both consultation provided and final draft, in order to better correlate
o Template for consultation results presentation.
o Annual assessment of results.
o Training and utilization of executives.
o Adoption of mechanisms for reaching and mobilizing citizens.
o Structured communication with all interested parties.
OGP values
Citizen participation, Accountability
Implementing bodies
Implementation: Ministry of Administrative Reform and e-Governance with the support of the National School of Public Administration and Local Government.
Strengthen the consultation process, through improved cooperation between society and stakeholders. A sturdy framework for the conduction of consultations should be put in place, with well-defined and explicit methodology for all participants.
Additionally, enhance the credibility and transparency of the consultation process, increase involvement of citizens and society, and cultivate a culture supporting consultations in both society and public administration.
Means for implementation
All necessary regulation/legislation will be conducted by the Ministry of Administrative Reform and e-Governance. The National School of Public Administration and Local Government are responsible for both technical and organizational improvements.
Milestones – Timescales
• Regulation/legislation in place by end of December 2015.
• Operational and technical improvements: gradual implementation, ending June 2016. There will be pertaining action plan by the end of 2014, followed be incremental implementation and deployment.
• Preparation of a plan for public administration training, awareness raising and citizen mobilization (December 2014), which will include the needed steps for gradual application.