• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'OSCAR SICHES' | 17 Ιανουαρίου 2022, 23:38

    Greece adopted its fleet protection concept more than 30 years ago. Protection measures have been proven to trigger not only economical but also socially backfiring, as own incentives towards excellence are left behind and slowly forgotten by adoption of comfortable, guaranteed policies at all levels (the untouchable effect). The usual lack of perspective does not reflect the damage these actions inflict on Greece’s good name, tourism developing policies, and associated activities to yacht charter. A foreign flag yacht is a lot more dependent on a foreign country than a local flagged yacht. That “complication” favors the host country in various ways, the main one being the dependency on local support to arrange travel, lodging, supplies, repairs, inspections, berthing and itineraries, to mention a few issues. This dependence creates jobs. What would happen if tourists would not be allowed to use their mobile phones more than 5 days per year in the country, and depend on public telephones to communicate? What if only Greek registered cars would be allowed to drive more than a week a year in Greece? Or foreign trucks to be stopped at the borders and the cargo be transfer to Greek trucks for further distribution? That would be considered unacceptable by EU standards, as it is unacceptable the limitations imposed to the foreign charter fleet. Belonging to a strong group like the EU does not only mean to benefit from advantageous conditions (such as stability, help with preservation of historical sites or defense support) but to fulfill obligations towards the general policies agreed by the members, like yacht charter trading. Overprotecting an underdeveloped trade like yacht charter sends the wrong message everywhere. The damage caused by it cannot be neutralized by a general tourism campaign. Not in our times anymore, with people’s ability to access real time information about any subject, in seconds.