• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'International Council of Marine Industry Associations' | 18 Ιανουαρίου 2022, 16:18

    We believe that this law acts as a trade barrier for the following reasons: 1. Allowing for charter permits for just 21 days means that for 344 days it will be closed and under cabotage. This will not lead to home-porting and Greece will not become a maritime tourism hub, but will remain a transit country with all the negatives for the country that this entails. 2. Greek commercial yachts are permitted to operate commercially in other European (and non-European) countries without time and the size limit. Greece imposing these restrictions makes for unfair competition. 3. The size and time limitation cannot legally be applied to European-flagged yachts because it is against the EC 3577/1992. 4. As reported by Dr. Kyriazopoulos, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Shipping, "the average tourist expenditure of a tourist by boat is from € 1,000 to € 2,700 approximately, when e.g. in the hotel industry the average tourist expenditure per visitor is about € 535 (i.e. up to 5 times higher in maritime tourism)". It therefore makes no sense to continue to restrict this income. We hope you will take into account these considerations and reconsider. Best regards, the ICOMIA team