Σχέδιο Δράσης OGP OGP

  • Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'Christos papadoulis' | 28 Μαρτίου 2012, 02:35

    Dear sirs, You over complicate something that is very simple. The basic information you need to set once is: A philosophical difference. There is no "Header" and "Line Item". What we have information about two Trading Partners and of charges for products one Trading Partner purchased from another Trading Partner. Before the purchases officially began, the trading partners signed a contract/agreement in which they described the terms and conditions governing the purchases and payments. Trading partner data (Trading Partner is the issuer, buyer, Dispatch company, Etc.) Each of the above have has addresses, bank, tax, etc information. Person information. A person is en employee of a Trading Partner. A person has many roles, Issuer, Buyer, Recepient, etc. The bank Information needed is the IBAN number. The IBAN contains the country, the bank code, the brach code and the customers's account number. Contract information between two or more Tradng Partners. Comments or textual information that can be created and attached to a Trading Partner, Contract, Contacte, Etc. What I describe above was addressed and solved 20 years ago when I worked for a large global company. If you wish any additional information I will be willing to address any and all your questions.