• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'Valerie Peach' | 7 Απριλίου 2011, 16:34

    If mutilation includes de clawing, de barking, tail docking and ear mutilation, motivated for human reasons as opposed for the benefit of the animal - I welcome it. We should have no right to mutilate an animal to suit human perceived benefits. In many instances this is totally unnecessary painful and debilitating for the animal. Regulations laid down by kennel clubs to theoretically enhance the abilities of working dogs by ear and tail cutting are not valid or beneficial to the animal, along with many other characteristics laid down as being desirable which have resulted in multilations via selective breeding of poor bone and muscle structure causing great pain and inabilities to many breeds of animals. For instance....... HIP DYSPLASIA is a widespread painful condition of many Alsatians here in Greece.