Αρχική Δεσποζόμενα και αδέσποτα ζώα συντροφιάςΆρθρο 19 Συμπληρωματικές διατάξεις προστασίας των ζώωνΣχόλιο του χρήστη Valerie Peach | 7 Απριλίου 2011, 16:04
Υπουργείο Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης και Τροφίμων Δικτυακός Τόπος Διαβουλεύσεων OpenGov.gr Ανοικτή Διακυβέρνηση |
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1) You MUST recognise that safe places to place these abused animals DO NOT EXIST. The only provision in many areas of Greece for the care of abused and abandoned animals are Animal groups and organisation facilities which are full to overflowing NOW. There is neither the place nor the finance to accommodate, meet medical costs, feed and care for such animals. In Crete right NOW there are animals which should be removed from abusive owners, the necessary paperwork has been obtained BUT these animals are forced to stay where they are because there is nowhere to place them. Government financial assistance is VITAL. Despite the best of intentions to make improvements Minister you have to accept that to amend enforce or restructure the law without consideration of its full implications are both impractical and unworkable. Extra burdens, extra costs upon the backs of already over burdened animal groups is at this time extremely difficult and often impossible. PLEASE take into consideration the FACT that animal welfare in this country is provided in the majority of instances by volunteers whose work depends entirely upon donations, charity and voluntary run money raising events in order to sustain a system of care which is extremely valuable extremely vulnerable and at a totally inadequate level to cope with increasing needs for animal welfare provision throughout the whole of Greece. Once again Greece rejects its responsibility and expects all care and welfare costs for Greek stray animals to be bourne on the backs of charity, donations and the work of volunteers This situation is unsustainable, unworkable, and impossible. Before the introduction of any progressive and vital animal welfare measures it must be established that the Greek government accepts responsibility and offers financial support. 2) Please incorporate the illegal unlicensed municipality used and ignored dumping grounds run by collectors of stray animals who offer NO welfare facilities, NO medical treatment, NO re homing provisions – these hovels need your immediate attention. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsN0p0XpsRw