Αρχική Δεσποζόμενα και αδέσποτα ζώα συντροφιάςΆρθρο 16 Κακοποίηση των ζώωνΣχόλιο του χρήστη Mikael Eriksson | 15 Απριλίου 2011, 23:18
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Dear dogfriends! My name is Mikael Eriksson and i write to you because i got engaged in this matter because of my big interest in dogs. I love these animals and i have a big respect of their wellbehaviour. For all my life i have had the great joy of living together with dogs. I have had docked and cropped species as well as non cropped and docked. My greek friends that have a dobermannkennel in greece told me that you are discussing whether it is good or bad to crop the animals. My dogs have mostly been dobermanns and other working-breeds too. In the country where i live, Sweden, it is forbidden to do this to the dogs but in the last years we are having a discussion here to allow docking and cropping again because of all the injuries to the working dogs. (broken tails and so on) I am sure that these injuries hurts ten thousand times more than cutting when puppy. When it was allowed here in Sweden i have taken part of the procedure since my mother used to grow dogs. The puppy yelled for two seconds and then it was over. A friend of mine had a dobermann that broke its tail as an adult, that dog did not cry for two seconds.....that dog suffered! :( My friends that have a dobermannkennel in Greece also know about this big risk of injuries and are now really worried about that their dogs that are workingdogs will break tails and hurt their ears.... They are real doglovers and do not sell dogs to anyone.....they really love and care about their animals, only giving them the best. For the dog it is better to be cropped and docked, no doubt of that. Especially for these working dogs that use their body hard. It is probably different with small terriers and poodles or something, i dont know, but i am thousand percent sure that working dogs need to be cropped and docked. Trust me, for the dogs sake(!), you are making a big misstake if this gets forbidden. Best regards! / Mikael Eriksson, Sweden :)