• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'Ανασταστιος' | 25 Απριλίου 2016, 11:19

    Κύριε Νίκο Παππά, The proposed legislation carries a license period of 10 years. But, 10 years from now, the television broadcasting business overall will be unrecognizable—certainly when compared to the operating models and industry makeup that exist today. The decisions taking place today up and down the media value chain are forcing some serious rethinking within the established media. The traditional broadcast networks—those most at risk of facing disruption—must act assertively if they are to survive in the new world. But the decisions being made will have ramifications far beyond the media business itself. They will determine the choices that advertizers—business-to-business as well as business-to-consumer—will have to make. They may well change the directions of development of a host of new content-delivery products. They will have an impact on education and they could even reshape the role of media as it reflects and affects public policy. A haphazard approach of the regulatory / political interentions, especially if they result in oligopolies, will definitely tend to exacerbate the problems broadcasters face, and given the state of flux in current politics, it is certain that any political intervention will backfire creating opposite results than the ones desired, if any at all, especially in the case of content control. It is likely that you are creating a monster you will not be able to control and that may devour any good intentions and plans you may have along with any future prospects. It is still time to take the time to rethink issues, open up serious dialog and plan effectively for the long term, rather than to put matters in the hands of a handful of researchers no matter who they are or where they come from. Good Luck!