• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'Παναγιώτης Βαρλάγκας' | 7 Ιανουαρίου 2010, 16:23

    @ «Κωνσταντίνος» – — 7 Ιανουαρίου 2010 @ 14:32 Επίσης: "The Ottoman power in Europe; its nature, its growth, and its decline" (1877). Freeman, Edward Augustus (1823-1892), σελ. 176-177 "When we speak of the Greek nation, we must remember that the Greeks and those Albanians who belong to the Orthodox Church have always had a strong tendency to draw together. A large part of Greece was at various times settled by Albanians, and among these should especially be mentioned the people of the small islands of Hydra and Spezza, because they did great things for the cause. But there are Albanians at other parts of Greece also, and it must be remembered that the Albanians generally, both Christian and Mahometan, have always kept up a strong national feeling. Christians and Mahometans alike have always been discontented, and often rebellious, subjects of the Turk. Some of them were able to maintain their independence for a long time in wild parts among the mountains. Such were the people of Souli, Christian Albanians who were never fully subdued till 1803, when they were overcome by Ali of Joannina. This was a conquest of Christians by Mahometans; but it was not a conquest of Christians by Turks. It was in truth a conquest of Albanians by Albanians." http://books.google.com/books?id=tUQtyttfhuUC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_v2_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q=souli&f=false ----------------------- "Medieval and Modern Greece" in "The National Review" (Richard Holt Hutton & Walter Bagehot), No. XXXV, January 1864, σελ. 93-94 "The Albanian element in modern Greece is manifest to all men. Many of the noblest heroes of the Revolution, men like Mark Botzares and Andrew Miaoules, were not of Greek, but of Albanian descent. Neither the mountaineers of Souli nor the seamen of Hydra and Spetza could lay any claim to pure Hellenic blood. Indeed, in a full third of continental Greece the Albanian blood is predominant, and the Albanian tongue is still far from being extinct. In fact, those Albanians who cleave to their old Orthodox faith, and who have not fallen away either to the Pope or to the Prophet, seem to be fully content to merge their nationality in that of the Hellenes. The position of the Slaves is more difficult. The Albanians are still visible in the land, and their appearance in Greece is an historical event, dating from days not remote from the Ottoman conquest." http://books.google.com/books?id=mV9FAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA78&dq=Medieval+and+Modern+Greece+Bagehot&as_brr=3&cd=1#v=onepage&q=&f=false ----------------------------------------- Χρονογραφία της Ηπείρου και των ομόρων Ελληνικών και Ιλλυρικών χωρών, Π. Αραβαντινός, 1856, σελ. 155-156 "Σουλιώται.— Οί κάτοικοι του Σουλίου και των πέριξ αυτού χωρίων. Ούτοι λαλούντες την Αλβανικήν γλώσσαν γνωρίζουσιν άπαντες και την Ελληνικήν, και εγκαυχώνται προσαγορευόμενοι Ελληνες. [...] Οι πρώτοι κάτοικοι του τοσούτον γυμνού καί φαραγκώδους όρους του Σουλίου υπήρξαν ποιμένες και αίπόλοι, προσφυγόντες εκείσε μετά των οικογενειών και βοσκημάτων των, ίνα αποφύγωσι τάς των Οθωμανών καταπιέσεις, των επαυξηθέντων εν τη Θεσπρωτία. Οι πλείστοι των εις το Σούλιον προκατοικησάντων υπήρχον Αλβανικής φυλής καταγόμενοι εκ της Γαρδίκης κώμης της Παραμυθίας" http://books.google.com/books?id=Eo8ZAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_v2_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q=&f=false ------------------------------- Το Σούλι, ήτοι τα ηρωικά καθορθώματα των Σουλιωτών και Σουλιωτιδών, Παναγιώτης Α. Σαλαμπάντας, 1860, σελ. 11 "Οι πρώτοι κάτοικοι του Σουλίου ήσαν Αλβανικής φυλής, και ελάλουν την Αλβανικήν γλώσσαν, μετ' ου πολύ όμως συνεμίγησαν μετ' αυτών και Έλληνες εκ των πλησιοχώρων, και διά της επιμιξίας ταύτης κατά τα τελευταία έτη ελάλουν μάλλον την Ελληνικήν ή την Αλβανικήν γλώσσαν." http://books.google.com/books?id=w5UZAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_v2_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q=&f=false