• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'Phil Butler' | 7 Μαΐου 2021, 19:11

    I think it is fair to request the names, positions, and qualifications of all those involved in the drafting of this new law. We know that at least one animal activist group, which is fervently anti-hunting, is involved in the process. The question seems to me to be their qualifictions, who their co-writers are, and what those people's qualifications are beyond the scope of the law? Are we talking about some lawyers and the will of these activists? Or, is there equal representation among the writers for a moderate view on all this? I know in my own conversations with these groups there was absolutley no compromise in their narrative. They were determined, above all else, to see to it that mandatory sterilization was the rule of the land of Greece. In America we call such laws "pork" because they add horrible policies to otherwise meaningful legistlation. Please, I would be thrilled to not have to investigate who the writers are.