• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'maria' | 11 Απριλίου 2011, 20:48

    Similarly, with regard to ear cropping, veterinarian Wendy Wallmer states that: [p]edigree dogs are man-made. People have decided which dog will mate which. There's nothing wrong with this, as long as you realise your responsibility and don't just breed for the characteristics you want . . . [w]e have to have responsibility and vision in breeding animals - a wee bit of humility wouldn't go amiss.30 http://www.animallaw.info/articles/dduscroppingdocking.htm#II Individual dogs, like people, have different levels of pain tolerance. In general, boxers are very pain tolerant and most puppies return home from an ear crop will be eating normally and playing just as they did before surgery within hours of the procedure. Although the ears are decidedly uncomfortable if touched excessively or bumped, this discomfort usually subsides within a few days of the surgery. Some veterinarians will offer pain medication for those individuals who seem to have a low pain tolerance. The skill and experience of the surgeon also have an effect on the discomfort level after the procedure.39 Advocates of ear cropping tend to downplay the amount of pain experienced by the dog. It is important, however, to note that the vast majority of American veterinary schools to not teach ear cropping or tail docking.40 As a result, veterinarians must learn this procedure "on the job" which would lend itself to causing even more pain. Additionally, in large "puppy mills," breeders will simply cut puppies ears with scissors, and it is unlikely that this amateur procedure is conducted with an anesthetic or "post-operative" pain relievers.41