• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'Jane Calladine' | 14 Απριλίου 2011, 20:33

    I agree that all pets should be registered, and more especially hunting dogs, given the large amount of hunting dogs killed or abandoned each year in every single part of Greece I do not agree with a limit of the number of pets a person can own, except for instance in rented property where it would be appropriate to limit the number. What will happen to the strays, will they all get tagged and recorded as strays? They will not disappear. Also, in addition to tagging all owned animals, they should all be sterilised to avoid unwanted pregnancies and the dumping of puppies which will not be tagged, giving even more strays. Hunters in particular should have their animals tagged and neutered. They are amongst the worst offenders of harming their dogs, and dumping or killing puppies.