• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'Jane Rodocanachi' | 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2013, 22:34

    In addition, as someone who has lived in Greece long term, I find it offensive that you propose to kill animals that maybe bark or miaw, why not kill people who are aggressive and surely more evil. I know from living there the mentality of some small villages, where people would rather kill a pet of someone to get to them, than confront the human, we call that being cowards. You have people, even municipalities (god, in 2013 that is so uncivilised) that think to throw poison is the way forward. How cruel can you get? It is about time some of your precious children picked up this poison, then you would see the really horrible deaths that occur, painful and frightening. And on the subject of children, it is worldwide proved that people who abuse, murder and torture animals do move on to do the same to children and women. We have to wonder in the civilised parts of Europe whether the people making these obscene rules are in fact decent people, because to think up ways of killing animals, innocent animals, like this is very worrying. If the state of your country is in hands of people who make these kind of plans, then you may as well continue the decline. Civilised Europe will not stand by and let this happen, but what will happen is that you will lose any goodwill and support for our current financial situation. If you can't find some civilised way to deal with strays, and pets, then you are moving backwards. You may as well join Romania, known as the hell on earth for all animals. Very disappointed in my home country, very sad, and very ANGRY.